Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Nursery

When deciding on our nursery theme, Michael and I perused through many modern nursery themes that had clean, simple, gender-neutral designs. I found this organic fawn set that I really liked:

This set cost $355 for only 3 pieces, so it was a little expensive, but it was the only one that we liked. Then, when we were in Babies R Us registering, I found this nursery set in the store:

It's organic fabric, gender-neutral and still has the modern design of bunnies in a meadow. While it wasn't as desirable as the fawn design, it was still pretty close to being perfect and it cost $179 for 6 pieces - much more affordable. So we went with the bunny theme. I had decided early on that I didn't want to have to repaint the blue walls in the nursery and therefore the meadow theme was perfect because the walls represent the sky.

The first thing I put up were the window treatments. I bought new blinds, curtains to match the green in the bunny design and then brown window scarves to match the brown borders. The last touch was to put window valances up of the actual design. Here's what the windows look like now:

Then I waited for the furniture to come in. Choosing the furniture was relatively easy. All of the wood furniture in our house is espresso and we wanted to match the nursery with the rest of the house and our wood floors. Espresso colored baby furniture is only made in a few designs so there wasn't much of a selection to choose from. I knew that I wanted a convertible bed that could one day be a full bed for our child, so that further narrowed our choices. And we were looking for something that was classy and had clean lines. We ended up choosing Da Vinci's Kalani design in espresso and also bought the dresser and hutch to match.

The furniture arrived soon after it was ordered and I spent a few days in early December assembling it.

Now the nursery is almost complete - I've even washed all of the sheets, blankets and baby clothes per instructions by the adoption agency (they want us to be ready for that call any day). Our espresso glider was shipped yesterday and should arrive any day now. I'll most likely be assempling it this week. I need to figure out if I want to put a table next to the crib for a lamp or somewhere to put things on, and there's a few other small decisions that need to be made, but we are definitely ready and waiting for baby.

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